1·Israel's air force carried out a large-scale exercise in June that was interpreted by many as a rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran \ 's nuclear facilities.
2·Yes, the United States of America 's nuclear weapons can destroy the earth several times, can China's nuclear weapons to destroy the United States only once is enough.
3·Powerful industry lobbies in the U. S. and elsewhere will continue to support nuclear as a fuel source, of course, but even the industry recognizes that a major expansion is unlikely.
4·It is the world 's largest nuclear waste facility.
5·Shortly after the meltdown at Three Mile Island, the U. S. nuclear industry began an ambitious overhaul of its safety practices.
6·Moscow would prefer to talk to everyone and shape the environment to maximize its goals: diminishing the degree of U. S. influence and expanding sales of nuclear technology and weapons.
7·Iran has already succeeded with laser enrichment in the lab, and nuclear experts worry that G.E. 's accomplishment might inspire Tehran to build a plant easily hidden from the world's eyes.
8·The cooling problems at the Japanese plant raised fears of a repeat of 1979's Three Mile Island accident, the most serious in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry.
9·S. partner in the showcase Nunn-Lugar program, which has sponsored the elimination of a vast amount of former Soviet nuclear and biological weapons and their infrastructure.
10·S. nuclear plants during that time, and nuclear power has one of the lowest industrial accident rates in the country, said nuclear Energy Institute spokesman Steve Kerekes.